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Red was sad that yellow and pink were being together. Then when pink was leaving a big blue basket fell by the cause of wind. Luckily red saved her from one of the items in the blue basket. Now they were trapped. Pink got injured so Red wrapped it around with tape. So then it turns into night and red tries to find an opening and a crack in the basket was covered by a rock and red shift the rock and found an opening. He was about to tell Pink until he realized that he should keep pink for himself. So then he went outside to get pink food then he saw Yellow outside looking for Pink and pretend he did not know where Pink is. So then the last part of one sided love 1 he gave pink food.


One sided love 2[]


So then Red kept on giving pinks different foods and trying to make it hardest for Pink not know that he is not finding the food and he is really getting the food outside. Then 1 trip back Red saw Yellow crying because he missed Pink but he ignored yellow. So then went back with a lot of fruit and Pink saw a banana and it reminded her of Yellow.Feeling jealous,red got mad and squashed the banana. Pink was scared of Red's behavior.Red was off getting more food for Pink until he saw Yellow crying with a pink balloon so then he got madder while Pink crying with Yellow looking banana peal.He got mad and jealous that he was about to smash Yellow in the head with a rock, But he saw himself in a mirror and realized the monster he was becoming. So then Red did the right thing ,brought Pink back to the bed where Yellow was sleeping. When pink woke up, she saw yellow, and started to cry and hugged him. along with yellow waking up, and hugging her. meanwhile, Red was wrapped in a leaf, and watched the sunrise alone feeling happy that he makes the right choice.

